This package is specially designed for those who have time constraints but wants to feel the lightness in the body. It helps to remove the toxins from the body within a short period of time. It is an elegant body detoxifying process, that releases the stored toxins; restores the body and mind immediately to feel vital & harmonizes the daily routine practices. Treatment includes:
- Consultation & Counseling
- Yoga/Pranayam
- Eye exercise
- Eyewash
- Mouth gargling
- Neti karma
- Netra Tarpana
- Whole body relaxation abhyanga
- Whole body cleansing abhyanga
- The whole body synchronized abhyanga
- Spinal program
- Head & foot program
- Facial beauty package
- Whole body Ubatan abhyanga (Herbal powder massage)
- Whole body herbal steam bath
- Pinda Sveda
- Shirodhara
- Picu
- Chakra therapy with singing bowl
- Other therapies will be decided as per the need of your health status
- Enhance the immunity of the body
- Maintain the equilibrium of PITTA Dosha
- Improves Agni condition & removes Amatoxins
- Improves the quality of life by enhancing immunity power, flexibility in muscles & joints
- Retard the aging process & correct body metabolism.
Off season: December, January, June Season: February, March, April, May, July, August, September, October, November